Seminars and Work Weeks do not require any prior experience with a Zen tradition, and are appropriate for all levels of experience. A 1-day Zazenkai, a 7-day Sesshin, or a 90-day Ango can be physically, mentally, and emotionally demanding, and generally require some discussion and approval before registering.
We offer residential Zen training for those interested in deepening their practice. Students typically commit to a longer stay at a reduced rate. We have a limited number of sponsorships for those who cannot afford to cover their expenses. Students are required to participate in all aspects of monastic practice including work, study, Zazen, and other monastic roles. If you are interested in residential training, please contact us to apply.
At certain times of the year, we support individuals in self-guided solo retreat experiences. Solo retreatants are not expected to follow a monastic schedule, but may join residents and students for Zazen, meals, and talks.
We host a variety of events for teachers of disciplines that are complimentary to Zen practice, such as yoga, kirtan, and aikido. Registration for, and participation in such events is managed by the guest group leader.
With Zentatsu Baker Roshi and Tatsudo Nicole Baden Roshi.
With Zentatsu Baker Roshi and Tatsudo Nicole Baden Roshi.
With Zentatsu Baker Roshi.
With Senior Practitioner.
With Senior Practitioner.
With Senior Practitioner.