
90 Day Practice Period (Ango) 2025

With Zentatsu Baker Roshi and Tatsudo Nicole Baden Roshi.


Crestone Mountain Zen Center 90-Day Practice Period: January 18 - April 14, 2025 Join us for a 90-day Practice Period at Crestone Mountain Zen Center, a time of dedicated Zen training and study. This retreat is designed as a way to enter and to create together a ‚Culture of Awakening‘ through a structured daily schedule of meditation (zazen), oryoki meals, dharma talks, study, and ceremony. Participants living at the center for the full three months will remain on the premises, fostering a close, focused community. Schedule We will get up at 4:30 AM and practice meditation, followed by a sutra recitation until 7 AM. After a short break, we will have an Oryoki-style meal (a monastic mindfulness ritual for eating). The rest of the morning will be dedicated to work practice. The afternoons will begin with a period of zazen meditation, followed by an alternation of text study, resident training with Tatsudo Baden Roshi and peer-led discussions. The gist of the teachings will be carried through a weekly lecture by Baker Roshi, our founding Abbot. In the late afternoons there is time is set aside for exercise and personal care, allowing participants to find balance within the intensive structure. Short-Term Participation Option Starting March 14th, a one-month option is available, culminating in the 7-Day April Sesshin. Those with a prior relationship with Crestone Mountain Zen Center or previous Practice Period experience may inquire about other short-term opportunities. For an example of a Practice Period Schedule, click here: The cost for the entire Practice Period is $5,000.00. The cost for short term participation is $75/day. In addition, it is customary to make a teaching donation. If you are interested, please contact us by writing to:

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