
April Sesshin 2025

With Tatsudo Nicole Baden Roshi.


Sesshin is the traditional, 'Seven-day Meditation Intensive' of sitting and walking meditation, three-bowl (oryoki) meals, daily Dharma talks, and personal interviews (dokusan) with the teacher.
Sesshin is for experienced Zazen Practitioners. If you think you are ready to do our first seven-day Sesshin, please use our registration form- and we will contact you to arrange an interview.
We hope that returning in-person practitioners will bring their own oryoki set; but we are happy to loan sets to those who do not have them. Sesshin arrival is on March 31st, between 4-5 PM. There will be a welcoming dinner at 6 PM. Sesshin departure will be about 11AM, April 8th, after a festive brunch. Please feel free to contact us for more information.
" Seven Day Sesshins open the gates of Equanimity and Imperturbability!"
Baker Roshi
Sesshin Fee $721 for room and board (which includes a $21 zero carbon fee). It is customary to make an additional teaching donation, which you can arrange once you arrive.

You have questions about the program?

We are happy to help you. Take a look at our frequently asked questions (FAQs). Maybe you will find an answer to your question there. We are also happy to help you on the phone.


Tatsudo Nicole Baden Roshi

Tatsudo Nicole Baden Roshi is a Dharma Successor of Zentatsu Baker Roshi in the Dharma Sangha Soto Zen Lineage. She has been practicing Zen since 2001 and received Dharma Transmission in 2017. She graduated as a psychologist from the University of Oldenburg in 2008. She also trained at the ‘School for Body Mind Centering’ for four years. Since 2009 she has been living and practicing either at the Crestone Mountain Zen Center or at the Zen Buddhist Center Schwarzwald (ZBZS) in Germany.

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